Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Seminar Abroad

DREAM: I was with a large group of adults somewhere abroad for a workshop or seminar... can’t recall a lot of the details now because there was a lot happening, but there were scenes of chaos and disorder such as pile-ups of big boulders and broken concrete slabs that I had to climb over, although it wasn’t difficult... Vivi was there but not in sight, and someone said something about her daughter (who was not there), the gist of which was some message that needed to be communicated to Vivi from her... then a person beside me told me about an upcoming workshop because this one is about to end, but she said it will be in September, I said, September? That’s next year! She said, yes. I took out a little notebook and wrote down the date: September 11: Constellation (as in family constellation)...


There is still that ball of scratchy steel wool inside my chest made of anxiety, about the unknown future and uncertainties in my life, and lately it seems to chafe more and more... this is the same two-feet-up-in-the-air feeling in the dream...

This is about higher learning for me but also for the global collective. This feeling of restlessness is being experienced by all of us who seek greater maturity, but we have not yet come together for the purpose of this cause, because in the dream there was a feeling of a big divide, even though we were supposedly a group. And Vivi was on the other side of the divide from me. That means to me that I have not yet crossed over what separates me from society, for Vivi is the keeper of all things sociable to me, the spirit of hospitality. I know, of course, that this is true, but the dream is telling me this is an obstacle requiring immediate attention, at the same time it is not insurmountable. It looks more daunting than it really is. In fact, I am making a mountain out of a small rockpile about the whole thing. All of this worrying and fretting is a small pebble casting a huge shadow on the wall because I haven’t got the right perspective. I’m too close up, need some distance.

What should I do then, my body? Read Marion Woodman’s “Dancing in the Flame”. I think it’s about dreamwork and healing for 3 of her patients. I will take it to read on my walk.

I sense though, this fractious energy has also to do with the scrambling (or descrambling) that’s going on inside of me, even if I don’t know what it’s for.

The last part of the dream seems prophetic: an upcoming family crisis or event that will be locally devastating but not as big a deal as we make it out to be in the big picture. The order of love in my family, physical and otherwise, will undergo a complete shake down and all of the old structure will collapse down to the foundation. Will this really happen in less than a year’s time? Maybe I should consult astrogrrl on celestial constellations for next September?? Hmmm...

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