Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Husband, Son, & Golden Retriever

DREAM that G. and I were a couple, and I also had a son and a dog, a golden retriever, with me. G. and I were folding and putting away recently washed laundry. We put linens on the bed, which was in the middle of the bedroom. My dog had been confined to his kennel temporarily, except it was like an aquarium, and the dog like a goldfish. The ‘kennel’ was on top of a bureau, and I glanced over at it now and then to check on him, but he seemed fine, just bobbing in the water and looking at us doing our thing. I knew he wanted to be let out, but G. wouldn’t want him out yet. My heart was as usual, aligned with the plight of animals. My son was on the side of the bottom of the bed, though I didn’t really see him do anything. At one point I threw a pair of balled-up socks at G. across the bed, just in play, can’t remember why, but the throw was very wimpy though it did hit him. He looked beefier and more tanned than I remember him.


I was just thinking the other day that after having a couple of dreams in a row with cats in them, there should be one with dogs soon. Well, here it is. I’ve had dreams about golden retrievers before; they are to me the quintessential simple, happy-go-lucky, sunny and playful creature, tirelessly cheerful. They love everyone unconditionally, not just their own. Well, mine is the playful child-like part of me that has been put into his watery kennel – an emotional holding cell – to keep him from potentially causing uncontrolled emotional expression and disorder in my life, while I worked on cleaning my dirty laundry.

The golden retriever, my masculine instinct and drive and sunny confidence, has been denied his emotional expression (I had no idea he was amphibious – at ease in both worlds!) Hmmm… actually, the dog, the son, and the husband were all parts of my animus, there to help me… The dog to free my animal or child-like playful nature; the son was less distinct but appeared to be healthy and mostly ‘white’ or light-coloured: hair, face, clothes – of a pure and simple spirit, who was just standing there, doing nothing; G., the husband, was as I mentioned, helpful and ‘solid’ looking. I think we were bantering while doing our chore, and that’s when I threw the socks at him, lightly, in playfulness…

All 3 of them are telling me to lighten up, be the simple, instinctual, care-free, unrestrained child at play, whether I’m doing chores or healing work — Remember to play, NOW! Not later, not when I ‘retire’, not when I’m older — NOW!!! EVERYDAY! And when it’s time to rest, again, be like a child, just be still and chill, as a good parent would allow the child to do. BE STILL, DO NOTHING, AND SLEEP THE SLEEP OF A CHILD.

I, am the only thing in my own way.

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