Saturday, November 13, 2010

Past, Present, Future & Stillness

DREAMed of “2000” and “2021”, with “2011” in their middle. Don’t remember the scene now…

In another part people were frantically trying to order something on line so the system became very slow. I didn’t have anything I needed to get so I decided to unplug my computer from the net, give other people a chance…


2000 – 2011 – 2021. Are these transitional and significant years for me? 2000 certainly was, I call it my watershed year when everything broke apart, turned inside out, and rocked off the hinges. I was in pieces, but I was free. It’s been 10 years in re-assembling and remaking of this new self I have, and I feel absolutely no regret of everything that happened since then. And though I know now that my life is a work in progress for as long as it lasts, it gives me joy, even with the pain, to look forward to the changes to come.

Standing on the doorstep to 2011, I open to the realization of what this dream is telling me. It will be a momentous year, like 2000, another blowing apart of old structures, more revelation of the divine purpose that drives my life, greater opening to Life itself, and I feel most strongly, deepening of the work I am in service of, deepening into that joy of Oneness. It will be year of work, work inside and out, busy and blissful, for the next 10 years until the next scene change.

In 2021 I will be 57, coming into my second Saturn Return. There will be a reshuffling of the order of things in my life, re-prioritizing, the turning of my face in the direction of the setting sun. A golden harkening back and honeying of the work I had done, energy revving down to cruising speed, more taking in of the scenery, less in the fray. A new stillness comes, naturally emerges, unlike the stillness that was needed like oxygen earlier in my 40s, this time it is for distillation. The glazing on the clay, the tempering of the sword, the showering of rice, of blessing, on the newly wedded Self. Saturn will entrust to me the poise and authority of the leader I am to become, and the discipline to uphold the structure my work all these years have finally built and rebuilt, again and again, until it is solid enough to house the will of the divine.

In the second part or second dream I was part of the collective of all the people in the world, yet I felt a easy contentment and quiet amidst the chaotic and frantic energy around me. I felt at once close to them, my fellow humanbeings in their quests, and apart from them, as if I was perched on a branch slightly higher. When I unplugged from the ‘neediness program’ I did it with a feeling of compassion, I wanted to make room for the others vying for space and opportunity. They should have it, if that’s what they desired. I didn’t need it anymore. The judgment and arrogance that I would normally have to keep in check were missing.

I was shown true contentment, stillness that was golden and gently flowing, stillness that was not inertia nor inactivity but detachment without the pain of separation, true wisdom of being. Thank you, my dream and Source, for this immense insight and healing.

There’s no need to fight, shove, run, or kill anything or anyone, good or bad. Just unplug…

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