Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Warning from the Great Feminine


I am with Diane and 2 other native women on their land. We are at a table and I am very curious to know how a certain game is played with 2 dice. I wanted them to show me. But Diane said, “No, Judy, please don’t.” She has an addiction to it.


This is about my addiction to risk-taking, to going with a whim so as to avoid doubt. It is this doubt that is the weak link, the shaky joint in my foundation. (this brings to mind the young man swinging his sledgehammer at the concrete foundation from my dreamwork yesterday...) It is not risk-taking with clarity and discernment and wisdom, but out of an addiction to stimulation and pleasure in order to avoid the opposite, pain. Doubt, is a painful place for me to be in. If I keep going, keep changing the scenery, keep the action happening, my senses preoccupied, I’ll never have painful decision to make, never have to clean up the mess I’ve left behind, never be subjected to the pins and needles of boredom.

But I know what stillness is now, a whole world inside without pollution of thought, the clear blue sky of vision, and the earthy solace of true knowing. Yet I have one foot in the fast boat of hedonism still...

An uncomfortable feeling is telling me that the 2 dice I saw in the dream has an important message. They are the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers of muscle-testing, something I do all the time. It has become a game I play with myself to stave off doubt, because I do not remember or bother to slow down on my chase for the answer, to drop into my body first.

Diane Longboat, Leading Earth Woman, has brought me this warning from the Great Feminine. I will heed her words and I am grateful.

P.S. funny how I just wrote a poem called "How To Meet Your Body" first thing this morning...

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